March 2018 Global multilingual Digital Marketing Consultancy Digital Crew launched the ABC (Australian Brands in China) Index Report 2018 in Melbourne and Sydney, with Alibaba and Alibaba Cloud as the event sponsors. This inaugural report is the only research that monitors the “health” of Australian brands in China.
With the overall growth economy of China in the recent past, despite the slowdown in the world market, there’s expanding the interest of foreign brands, including Australian ones. This has eventually prompted and given rise to people to know more about the Australian brands online. Hence, its important for the other foreign brands to understand what Chinese consumers are looking for to better position them. The events saw an overwhelming response to the audience strength more than 200+.
The sole motive of this event was to bridge the gap between the Australian brands and the Chinese markets in terms of consumer behaviour. To make the brands aware and guide primarily in Australia, Digital Crew, a Global multilingual marketing agency partners with Alibaba and Alibaba Cloud organised the event in Melbourne and Sydney that showcased the different aspects as how the Australian brands are making their way in the Chinese market. The ABC Index report 2018 was researched and produced by Monash Business School team led by Dr. Eugene Chan, funded by Digital Crew. The event is a game changer in making people understand and aware of the growth of the Chinese market. This index reflected the growing business between Australia and China.
Both the events saw some eminent speakers in the panel. Some of the prominent speakers present at both the events were Maggie Zhou, Managing Director – Australia and New Zealand, Alibaba group and Ophenia Liang, Director and Co-founder of Digital Crew. Steven Foo from Australia Post spoke at the Melbourne event panel. The focus was to deliver and provide the information how the brands have surpassed the boundaries and geographies to reach out to people more effectively. This well searched and produced the report is first of it’s kind and is produced by Dr. Eugene Chan from Monash University. The study covers 70 Australian brands in China and is based on insight from over 5,000 Chinese men and women from age 18 to 57 years across six Chinese regions (Hebei, Beijing, Shanxi, Tianjin, Guangdong and Shanghai).